Techmission Another Dimension cover

Techmission Another Dimension 2024



🎉 Get ready, Prague! 🎉 Boris Brejcha is set to bring his spectacular ‘Another Dimension’ show to Prague this December! 🌟 Join us for an exceptional night as United Music ▫️ Techmission and the FCKNG SERIOUS label present the Boris Brejcha Another Dimension Tour on Friday, December 20, 2024 in Prague. 🕺💃 Prepare yourself for an unforgettable experience as Boris Brejcha delivers and exclusive 3-hour set filled with mesmerizing beats, stunning visuals, and the unparalleled energy that only Boris Brejcha can deliver. Joining him on stage will be his talented colleagues from the FCKNG SERIOUS label - Deniz Bul, Frieder & Jakob and Moritz Hofbauer (Live). Mark your calendars as this is a night you won't want to miss!

Festival type



Fortuna Hall, Praha 7-Bubeneč
Za Elektrárnou 419/1, 170 00

Aantal stages


Max. bezoekers


Min. leeftijd


Festival map

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Techmission Another Dimension

In de festival agenda van Follow the Beat vind je alle Nederlandse muziekevenementen, waaronder Techmission Another Dimension. Dat op 20 december 2024 in Fortuna Hall te Praha 7-Bubeneč gehouden wordt. We hebben alle festival informatie, aftermovie(s), line-up, tickets en het laatste festival nieuws voor je op een rijtje gezet. Zo kies je snel en gemakkelijk jouw volgende feestje uit.
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