Bombshell: The Lost Temple 2023
The Lost Temple A few tourists takes the risk to visit an old abandoned temple. But the secret lies hidden in the beginning: A dark curse weighs on this mysterious place. Surrounded by hard kicks, the visitors have to fight their way through. The music shows them the way, but no one knows where it will lead them to. Salvation could be so close were it not for the mysterious monster that is on the heels of the tourists. However, the last chance to escape is not possible without an obstacle. Will the visitors have the courage to seek the last escape or is their fate already sealed in the depths of The Lost Temple?
Festival type
Now&Wow Club, Rotterdam
Maashaven Zuidzijde 1, 3081 AE
Max. bezoekers
Min. leeftijd
Geen dresscode
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Bombshell: The Lost Temple
In de festival agenda van Follow the Beat vind je alle Nederlandse muziekevenementen, waaronder Bombshell: The Lost Temple. Dat op 3 november 2023 in Now&Wow Club te Rotterdam gehouden wordt. We hebben alle festival informatie, aftermovie(s), line-up, tickets en het laatste festival nieuws voor je op een rijtje gezet. Zo kies je snel en gemakkelijk jouw volgende feestje uit.
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